
10 Mistakes You Must Avoid for Successful Gaming Channel on YouTube

Everyone love gaming that is why they think if we open gaming channel. We will enjoy our time and also earn money by uploading our gameplay. But after sometimes they realize that they are not getting success. Often they leave uploading videos rather than correcting their mistakes that they are doing.
Gaming channel on youtube
Mostly all gaming channel on YouTube makes mistakes but by the time they keep improve themselves. But some gaming channel on YouTube doesn't even know what they are doing. That is why they become so unsuccessful on YouTube. But don’t worry we have identified all those mistakes. Now it’s your time to avoid these mistakes for successful gaming channel on YouTube.

10 Mistakes of Unsuccessful Gaming YouTube Channel

These are the most common mistakes which you are doing that is why you are unsuccessful gaming channel on YouTube. Just try avoiding these mistakes and you will see the improvement.

Also read: How to start a gaming channel correctly

1. Poor High-quality Gameplay

Even 5-inch screen phone has HD games but if you keep uploading low-resolution gameplays to save your time. Then you are just wasting your time, everyone wants HD quality at least. Some gamers even moved to 4K 60FPS gaming for their viewers. Because they know it will attract more people because of the video quality.

2. Low FPS Gameplay

Ok so now you have high-quality gameplay but your gameplay is not smooth and pleasant to watch. Then how can you make people watch that type of laggy gameplay? I know your gameplay is smooth when you play the game. But when you record the gameplay it's lag a little bit and for that, you need a better processor, ram and graphic card. Trust me you really have to invest on these for gaming channel otherwise play games those require low specification PC.

Also read: how to buy best Graphic card for your PC

3. Poor Audio Quality

A good audio quality microphone is really important for you to grow your channel no one going to listen to a creepy sharp voice. Which can blast their ear drum so you really need a condenser microphone at least try getting Samson GO or blue snowball. But if you can afford to get blue yeti or rode podcaster microphone. Then it will be really good for your video.

4. Boring Commentary

Even if you have hell of a good quality microphone but if you are not commentary properly you won’t get any subscribers. Always make sure to make laugh on viewers face if you can. But if you are not funny then talk some sensible things about the game. Don’t pretend to be a funny guy just be yourself.

5. You're not Enjoying Game

This is the really big mistake people often make, they play the game for views not to enjoy the game. Just think if you are not enjoying the game how your viewers will enjoy it. Just follow the simple rule of life do what you love not what you should do. Play the game you enjoy the most then your commentary will become more natural and you will have a lot of things to talk.

6. You're Doing Fake Laugh While Commentary

People are really sensible they know when to laugh and when not to laugh. But if you keep making fake laughs which doesn’t make sense than I don’t think you have future in this. Because it will irritate viewer and they will dislike your video. Don’t laugh if you are not laughing from inside of you. Because people will easily know it’s a fake laugh and then they will leave the video,

7. No Creativity

If you are doing the same thing in your all videos then why would someone waste their time on all those videos? Always try to do something new in the game try some experiments in the game. For example, if I puncture a running car, crashing plan with bike etc.  Make the game look interesting with your creativity.

8. Poor Gaming Skill

If you keep on failing on things in the game then nobody going to love to watch that. Actually, sometimes it funs to see failing but not every time. People love to watch that gameplay which makes them saying wow how he does that.

9. Not Replying

Subscribers are those who connected to your channel for not only content. But also to ask questions on your every new video. Always try to reply as much as you can, it will connect you with your subscribers and you will gain their trust.

10. Bad Intro

Even if you have really high-quality awesome intro if it's long it will count as a bad intro. People make really annoying intro which takes 20 to 25 seconds even 40 seconds. Do you think someone will wait 25 seconds to watch your ugly intro? They will click on other videos which come to their right side of the screen. So don’t make your intro way too long keep it short and simple.

11. Not Uploading Regularly (Bonus)

It is the most common mistake that they do is not uploading video regularly. You will not get 10 million subscribers with 1 video per months. You have to upload one video per day even if you think you are not getting views. Continuity is the key to success so never miss a day in which you don’t upload a video.

Final Conclusion

Never ever think you are unsuccessful just don’t quit keep on doing. If you love this work but correct your mistakes. People quit things really soon when things are not going your way. Just consider it as not the end give some time to yourself and you will see after some time you will be a successful gaming Youtuber.

So these are the common reasons for not getting subscribers and views. If you are also doing one of these mistakes then you must correct them and improve your gaming channel on YouTube.  If you really think our post helped you make sure to subscribe our blog and YouTube channel.

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