
Free Trick to Increase Internet Speed to 1000 Mbps

If you're also having a slow internet connection and you want to browse without taking any time. If you also want to watch 4K, 2K or 1080p movies without buffering. Then this trick is only made for you.

We all know that high-speed plans are always way too expensive to subscribe. So we only get slow speed for 1000 to 2000 INR plans. And when we watch HD movies we have to wait few minute to let the movie buffer first.

But after reading our awesome and simple instruction. You will be able to watch any HD movies online with your existing plan. If we cannot increase our internet speed physically. We can increase it virtually. After doing this when you click on any video it will start right after you click on it. You don’t need to wait for not even a microsecond.

How to increase your internet speed virtually

There is a site known as you just have to open that site and follow our easy instructions.
  • Go to
  • Now just click on chat now button
  • rabbit chat now
  • Then click “decide what to watch now”
  • increase speed via rabbit
  • After that either you can copy paste the link into searching tab below or you can just select any popular site listed below like YouTube or HBO GO.
  • When you did that a browser window will come up inside your browser. And that will allow you to browse the internet at speed of 1 Gbps.
  • That's it Now you can watch any movie video, or browse the internet with that browser and you will be amazed to see the speed. You will not see any buffering not even for 1 sec.
Note: Make sure your internet speed is 2 Mbps or above for better user experience. Otherwise, you will not get a good quality video. Make sure you never use your personal account for sign in on any site through this trick. Because it's a virtual browsing and I hope you don't want to share your personal information with others. Just create a temparary account for this trick.

Benefit of increasing internet speed virtually

  1. We can even watch 4K movies without buffering and waiting.
  2. Good for listening good quality music without buffering
  3. Good for those sites which need speed to open fast.
  4. Good for online browser based gaming
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